Supporting you to flourish & flow through the natural world.
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Why start a practice?
Meditation is about being present, to observe the mind and breath. Yet the thought of sitting in silence, to explore the inner dimensions and remove the obstacles that may prevent peace of mind is enough to send anyone running for the hills. That is why, through self enquiry and establishing your own yoga/movement/ breathing practice we are able to go beyond our thought patterns to reclaim the true essence of our being.
To rekindle your flow state. You know, when you have been so involved in something that you enjoy and then suddenly two or three hours have passed, this is 'flow state'. To realign and allow stillness to arise to support your daily life. If we take this a step further, and encourage our connection to nature then this has proven benefit such as reduces stress levels, allows us to find space in between our racing mind to reconnect to our natural world and ground us back to the earth and our own breathing. Less fight or flight and more rest and digest.
Self acceptance.
Compassion towards yourself and others.
Assists in reducing cortisol in the blood stream.
Aids memory and creativity.
Meditation and a yogic breath led practise engages the parasympathetic nervous system which allows the heart rate to lower.
We each create our own landscape with our thoughts, the outside world is merely our projection, by not trying to change this we find liberation. Through establishing a self practice we become aware of our attachments , that which we think we are, the identification of 'I',
Instead of doing we start to become aware and appreciate the benefits of just Being,
Breathing in and breathing out into The Stilling Place.
Our heart centre.